Lipton Inspires a Community Cleanup of 50,000+ pieces


The PepsiCo & Unilever joint venture decides to walk the walk. Lipton loves ice tea. But we all know that every bottle sold adds to the world’s plastic problem. Lipton is taking both responsibility and action.


How can you as an Industry Leader show your vulnerability?


In late March 2019, prominent politicians, industry & thought leaders and environmentalists joined over 150 volunteers to launch our inaugural clean-up. On day one, they collected over 1,500 pieces of litter. Over the following three weeks, a veritable army of volunteers was mobilized, collecting over 50,000 pieces of litter.


Over several months, they co-created a plan for a community-led clean-up, mobilizing hundreds of people to pick up thousands of pieces of litter. Their pilot market was the Netherlands. But by getting involved, with more than just lip service, Lipton is taking a lead by giving back to the community, setting ambitious sustainable packaging goals, and supporting efforts to create a litter-free world.


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