We’re on a mission to create a litter-free world.
We believe in the power of one.
We have seen how a single person has inspired a community, influenced an industry, and changed government policies. We know one is always just the beginning. When millions of people come together for a common goal, the impossible becomes reality, and lasting change happens.
We believe in transparency.
Capturing litter through geo-tagged photos makes the problem measurable. What was previously impossible to track now has visibility and patterns begin to emerge amongst what lies on our streets, playgrounds, and beaches. The more clear the data on the problem becomes, the more we’re able to create effective solutions.
We believe in the significance of data.
Litterati is an independent company that works with individuals, data scientists, corporations, and researchers. We are building an ecosystem to create a litter-free world. It’s all built on the foundation of the data captured by the growing Litterati community. The larger the ecosystem, the greater the impact.
We believe in the power of community.
Everyone gets a seat at the table. We’re not into blaming, shaming, or pointing fingers for why litter is such a large, complex, worldwide problem. We are into partnerships with committed individuals and corporations who are ready to put their time, resources, and effort into helping solve this problem. Join us.
Meet Our Team
At Litterati, our team is building a platform that empowers people to create better solutions for the litter and waste problems our world faces. Meet the mind, heart, and hands of the company.
Jeff Kirschner
Founder & CEO
Dick Ayres
Co Founder & CSO
Sean Doherty
Chief Technology Officer