Anta-flu Changes Wrappers & Packaging From Plastic to Paper



Individuals around the Netherlands noticed an increasing number of Anta-Flu’s plastic cough drop wrappers littered in their communities. A couple of dedicated individuals sought to harness the power of data to drive change to reduce plastic waste in the environment. 


How can you collect enough data to inspire a systemic change?


In 2019, Dirk Groot (Zwerfinator) and Merjin Tinga (Plastic Soup Surfer) encouraged the Netherlands’ Litterati community members to help collect & tag data on these pieces of plastic litter from Anta-Flu wrappers. 

Equipped with over 30,000 data points on a map that spread across the Netherlands and other European countries, Dirk and Merjin were able to effectively show how Anta-flu’s packaging decisions impacted the environment when they met with the CEO of Pervasco (creator of Anta-flu) at company headquarters in Rotterdam, Netherlands.


Inspired by the data and the passion of the community, Pervasco’s CEO committed to changing the packaging from plastic to paper.

He was quoted saying:

“Antaflu has been around for longer than plastic, so we knew that an alternative should be possible,”

You can watch the video of their journey here

On 18th June 2020, paper wrappers of Anta-Flu hit the stores.


How One Individual’s Litterati Data Influenced Better Trash Can Placement Policy For An Entire Community


Celebrating Earth Month 2020